
What is keyframing in new blue titler
What is keyframing in new blue titler

what is keyframing in new blue titler
  1. What is keyframing in new blue titler update#
  2. What is keyframing in new blue titler software#

Seems far too complicated and unclear - problem with nomenclature and UI. and text created by clicking, making ‘child’ objects of a layer…. hmmm it’s starting to feel a bit quirky……Ĭ) Playing around with it I understand that there seems to be two types of ‘object’ - a ‘layer’ = zone that is created in the safe area that you can resize, resizing all the ‘child’ objects. It turns out the T creates a text layer (zone) not simply allowing text to be added, this is unclear…. Resize the square and the text changes size, but the square is still smaller than the text? Can’t change the size of the square without deforming the text. No means (that I found) to have a text area that will wrap, not that it’s that important but the UI leads to expect that behaviour. Looks good so far.ī) Click on the T in the Titler+ « toolbox », you get a square - You type and the square doesn’t change size, the text overflows - no wrapping…. It has an ugly black drop shadow that I’d prefer off by default, but I can turn it off. Double click a dotted border appears, so far so good. (Ī) You click in the monitor, a caret appears, you can type. In a sentence, Titler+ - it is a bit like a sliding door with a pull-handle and a sign saying Push….

What is keyframing in new blue titler software#

The impression I have is that it was not thought out from a user perspective, the result is nowhere near as intuitive as it should be for software today. Or maybe even something amazing like importing an RTF file making a rolling title with tabs, images, fonts… or constraining vertical movement in rolling credits to a fixed number of pixels to avoid flicker… I digress… :-) accented / non-latin character / right-to-left support.ĥ. The possibility to export all titles on a track as text with timecode (as is possible with subcap) for reports required by production (would be fantastic)Ĥ. The possibility to copy and paste images into rolling titles (used to work reliably a long time ago…)ģ. Possibility to add left, center and right justifying tab-stops allowing two column rolling titles (for end-credits).Ģ.

What is keyframing in new blue titler update#

Certainly my expectations were high, expecting not only a slick, easy to use welcome update of the >20 year old Title tool for the final year of the decade, but with the niggles with the old title tool sorted out (that came up very frequently and well known amongst seasoned editors and AEs), namely:ġ. What I found to be honest disappoints me greatly. OK, now I expect a few issues after all this is a first release (but not an alpha version), a few unforeseen use cases etc…. It is directly accessible from within the timeline, no second window, no plugins, it is integrated.

what is keyframing in new blue titler

For fancy 3D titles I’ll use another tool - here we have a modernised replacement for the old Title tool, usable for lower thirds, simple static text and end-credits (the primary uses of the Title tool) with the possibility for soft discreet shadows which are very important. Not too many bells and whistles which are unnecessary most of the time.

what is keyframing in new blue titler

No more fiddling around with photoshop, exporting, importing. So I can add titles in all scripts, with diacritics, in Cyrillic, in arabic…. Wow great at last, over 20 years after Unicode became a standard, we at last have a modern Title Tool, rewritten, with a modern(ish) interface.

What is keyframing in new blue titler